ADO representanter i FN:s högkvarter i Genève

Torsdagen, den 31 oktober 2019, började den syriska konstitutionella kommitténs förhandlingar vid FN:s högkvarter i Genève, där alla 150 syriska delegater var närvarande. I dessa 150 ingår 50 representanter från syriska oppositionen, 50 från syriska regimen och 50 från det syriska civilsamhället.

Torsdagen, den 31 oktober 2019, började den syriska konstitutionella kommitténs förhandlingar vid FN:s högkvarter i Genève, där alla 150 syriska delegater var närvarande. I dessa 150 ingår 50 representanter från syriska oppositionen, 50 från syriska regimen och 50 från det syriska civilsamhället.

Mötet öppnades av FN:s särskilde Syriensändebud, Geir Pedersen, där han betonade vikten av detta möte som var det första i sitt slag sedan 2014, där oppositionen och regimen möts öga mot öga vid förhandlingsbordet. Pedersen beskrev med ett anförande där han uttryckte vikten av att starta kursen för konstitutionella kommissionen, och beskrev den som ett historiskt och artikulerande ögonblick på vägen för att avsluta konflikten och få fred till Syrien.

I Konstitutionella Kommittén representeras, Assyriska Demokratiska Organisationen, av kamrater Gabriel Moushe och Ablahad Staifo.

Nedan kan ni läsa engelska översättningen av ADOs anförandet som framfördes av Habro Gabriel Moushe.

Mr. Geir Pederson, special envoy of the UN General Secretary.

Mr’s. Co-Chairs participants in the Constitutional Committee.

Ladies and Gentlemen members of the Constitutional Committee.

The Third Syrian Republic in which majority of Syrian people are hoping to transition into, a modern and democratic state or republic. An independent and sovereign state ruled by the people; where the people are the source of all governance, established on equality and separation of powers (Executive, Judicial and Legislation) with independent legal system; mandated through peaceful, free and transparent election.

A state that Transcends, nationality, religion and minorities that can’t be manipulated by one religion, race, party or an ideology. A state that is indifferent and tolerant toward religious affiliations. A state by the people for the people, and equal in rights and responsibilities regardless of their affiliations.

The Syrian history and civilizations, for centuries, have embedded in us all notions of diversities, it was never a single culture. Therefor, we call that the New Syrian Constitution shall adopt this vision because Syria is a society of multi nationals and cultures. As well as, to guarantee the national rights, languages and heritage of all Syrians, Arabs, Kurds, Assyrian Syriacs, Turkomans and others in a united Syria, people and country. We also call for total equality between men and women and reject all types of discriminations and violence against women and to guarantee them fair representation in all institutions and posts. We also stress the principle of decentralization of the administration (government).

The constitution framework and law will define the level and the participation in the national state; if it is based on equality, partnership, human rights and diversity. This will qualify or guarantee the participation of all Syrians and will strengthen the national identity as whole.

The Assyrian Democratic Organization attitude toward the Syrian conflict is adherent to a total Syria, united and complete; with current borders recognized by the UN, including occupied Golan Heights. Syria is the eternal national place for all the Syrians. This compel all of us to work together and rejoin the Syrian national fabric, in order, to develop and strengthen it. Its vital to take advantage of our multi culture society and transform it into rich and strong one, instead of being used to divide the Syrian identity and threaten its unity. This will require all Syrian to reject prejudice, national and religious superiority and to work diligently in order to promote a culture of national inclusiveness, open minded, tolerance and accepting other fellow citizen.

At the end, and after nine years of war, destruction and misery endured by the Syrian people; we must emphasize and channel our efforts toward building a new democratic state that is capable of providing good life and development for the Syrians and capable to interact with Arab, regional and international countries according to established modern norms and, for the interest of the Syrian people.

Thank you for listening.

31 October 2019. Geneva

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