Statement on the 63rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Assyrian Democratic Organization

The ADO struggled under very difficult conditions in the absence of liberties and democracy, and due to its conviction and position toward Assyrian nationalism and concerning that of the Syrian Arab nationalism; the dictatorial Syrian regime, showed no mercy, in dealing with ADO and other Syrian parties and groups. ADO members and leaders were persecuted, detained and dismissed from their work. All these measures used by the regime did not deter ADO from continuing its peaceful approach, but rather it strengthened its believe in its principles, as well as, its determination to continue demanding a “constitutional recognition of national rights and identity existence of Assyrians (Syriac) in Syria”, on equal parities with other nationalities in the country. And guaranteeing their national rights and recognizing the Syriac language and culture as an integral part of the national heritage of united Syria. The ADO strived for a secular democratic system that respect human rights that is based on principles of equal citizenship and true partnership between all segments of Syrian people.
The 63rd anniversary of ADO establishment comes in a time when the Syrians, regardless to their political belief, are struggling to hang on life in the current extreme conditions of poverty and deprivations that resulted from the civil war’s destruction of the economy, infrastructure and manufacturing sector waged by the Syrian regime for more than nine years ago, as a response to their just demands for liberty and dignity. It is likely the current living conditions will exacerbate with the enforcing of Caesar Law and the increase cases of the Covid-19 pandemic, aa well as, the insistent of the Russians backed by the Chinese that the UN restrict the entry of humanitarian aid into a single crossing; in which it would leave millions of Syrian that are not under the control of the regime in a dire and continued danger and hardship. In view of these conditions the regime and its allies continue obstructing the political solution approved by the UN resolution 2254 and its insistent to go ahead and hold parliamentary elections that the Syrian people consider on-sided; and signing new military agreement with Iran aimed at diverting attention from the existing suffering of the people and to legitimate the occupation, by foreign powers, in order to prolong the life of the regime, regardless to the remaining sovereignty that it claims to have.
The ADO believes the current situation will lead to further degradation, even greater dangers, and catastrophic consequences where the Syrian people will not be able to face. Therefore, we call on the international community to take urgent action to help the Syrian people out of the above-mentioned hardship, that are brought upon them against their will, and to launch and expedite a political process under the supervision of the UN and to pressure the regime to accept the UN resolution 2254 with all its provisions: formation of transitional government with full powers, and the drafting of a new constitution that guarantees the rights of all Syrians. That is to be proceeded by implementation of confidence building measure including comprehensive cease fire, release of detainees, discloser of missing people and their whereabout or fate, allowing the entry of humanitarian aid to all areas, and the voluntary and safe return of refugees and displaced persons to their homes, as well as prohibiting the process of demographic change. And most importantly provide a safe environment for fair and free election to take place and held under the auspices of the UN, in order to achieve the desired political transition.
On the 63rd anniversary of the ADO founding, we call on all Assyrian/Syriacs institution and parties in homeland and in diaspora for greater unity, solidarity and coordination that would lead to a united front capable of facing these challenges in these difficult times that our country is enduring, to ensure our legitimate rights and to support the establishment of its historical presence in the homeland, the Khabour region, specifically in aftermath of the ISIS terrorist invasion of its villages that resulted in displacement of its Assyrian inhabitants. Today, this region faces unprecedented danger of a demographic change due to the flocking of new refugees resulting from forced displacement in the surrounding regions.
ADO announces the cancellation of celebrations commemorating the 63rd anniversary due to Covid-19 Corona epidemic. And it pledges to our people to continue the struggle to achieve the legitimate right of Assyrian Syriac in Syria and to work with all national groups in order to build a new Syria, where all the people enjoy freedom, justice, peace, and dignity.
Our salutation to the martyrs of our people and to the martyrs of our country, Syria.
Syria, July 14, 2020
Assyrian Democratic Organization
The Executive Committee