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Farligt tal i Turkiet
Farligt tal i Turkiet
20. september 2011
ADO Sverige
Turkiet drömmer om en ny storhetstid, och ser möjligheter efter de arabiska upproren. Men de stridslystna angreppen mot Israel blir alltmer skrämmande.
Monument to Assyrian Genocide victims to be constructed in Yerevan
Memorial to victims of the 1915Assyrian Genocide in Ottoman Empire will be erected in Yerevan on the initiative of Assyrian community of Armenia, president of Assyrian Khatata federation Irina Gasparyan told
Assyrian Christians face destruction in Iraq
New Europe has asked me to write an article for this supplement focusing on religious freedom, particularly regarding the situation being faced by the Assyrian Christians of Iraq.
Irakisk exodus
Kultur & Nöjen. Allt fler kristna tvingas lämna Irak. Rakel Chukri förvånas över hur sällan deras öden uppmärksammas.
Skriv på namninsamlingen/uppropet!
Efter den dödliga attacken mot en katolsk kyrka i Bagdad startar nu Dagen en namninsamling för att stoppa avvisningen av kristna irakier från Sverige till Irak.
ADO Condemns the Massacre of the Church of Our Lady of Deliverance in Baghdad
On Sunday October 31, 2010, a group of terrorists belonging to “the Islamic State of Iraq,” a militant terrorist organization connected to Al-Qaeda, broke into the Our Lady of Deliverance Syriac Catholic Church in Baghdad and committed an extremely savage and barbaric massacre by opening fire on the innocent hostages, who had flocked to attend the Divine Liturgy and Prayer of peace and love. This led to the death and wounding of scores of our Assyrian Chaldean Syriac people, many of whom were innocent children, women, and priests. As a result, a number of Iraqi security forces were also killed when they attempted to release the hostages.
Assyrians in Iraq Must Be Protected By Iraqis and Americans
Probably there is no coincidence. It was just two weeks ago, on October 24th, the special synod for the Middle East ended in Rome in an attempt to shed some light on the precarious situation of the Christians in the region (AINA 10-19-2010). For two weeks, patriarchs, metropolitans, archbishops and bishops of different oriental churches -- Chaldean, Coptic, Syriac, Greek-Melkite, Maronite and Armenian -- discussed the challenges facing Christianity with their Latin-rite brothers under the leadership of Pope Benedict XVI.
Blodbad i kyrkan i Bagdad
VÄRLDEN Under måndagen har uppgifterna om vad som hände vid gisslandramat i Sayidat al-Nejat-kyrkan i Bagdad klarnat. Det står nu klart att attacken mot kyrkan slutat i ett blodbad. 52 personer ur gisslan och säkerhetsstyrkorna dödades och 67 personer är skadade enligt dagens rapporter.
Juristorganisation anordnade Seyfokonferens
SEYFO Efter riksdagens beslut att erkänna det osmanska folkmordet på assyrier, armenier och pontiska greker har nu många höjt blicken för att se hur man ska gå vidare med folkmordsfrågan. I linje med det arrangerade den svenska avdelningen av International Law Association ett seminarium om de rättsliga aspekterna av folkmordet.
Suroyo TV and Journalistic Integrity
On July 15, 1957, the Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO) was established in the city of Qamishly, Syria, making it the first Assyrian (Chaldean/Syriac) political party. The birth of the ADO (Mtakasta) paved the way for political life to flourish in our nation. Following in the ADO’s footsteps many other political parties were established under a variety of names and using the different designations used by our people. The ADO’s bylaws and political and nationalistic thoughts stand as the basis for the bylaws of almost every other political party, association, or organization that was established later and continue to be the basis for future groups.
Utlysning av stipendier för hösten 2010
Assyrier Utan Gränser ledigförklarar stipendier för assyriska studenter i Irak, Syrien, Turkiet, Iran och Libanon. Medlen skall användas för studier på universitetsnivå. Viss prioritet ges för utbytesstudier. Medlen avser studier under perioden 2010-08-01 till 2010-12-31. Sista ansökningsdag är 2010-09-30.
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