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Iran backar om syriskt våld
Iran backar om syriskt våld
13. september 2011
ADO Sverige
Irans president Ahmadinejad byter nu fot och uppmanar sin allierade Syrien att upphöra med våldet och lösa inbördeskonflikten med fredliga medel.
christians want a province of their own
For the first time ever, Christian leaders have formally demanded the creation of a province in the Ninawa Plain, east of Mosul.
2010 års framstegsrapport om Turkiet
med beaktande av sina tidigare resolutioner av den 27 september 2006 om Turkiets framsteg inför anslutningen(1) , av den 24 oktober 2007 om förbindelserna mellan EU och Turkiet(2) , av den 21 maj 2008 om 2007 års framstegsrapport om Turkiet(3) , av den 12 mars 2009 om 2008 års framstegsrapport om Turkiet(4) samt av den 10 februari 2010 om 2009 års framstegsrapport om Turkiet
Högsta domstolens beslut i Turkiet är politiskt
Högsta domstolen struntade i att kommentera de två viktiga dokumenten som styrkte att Mar Gabriel-stiftelsen är rättmätig ägare. Domstolens motivering var endast att personer inte får äga mer än 100 hektar mark. Detta skriver ACSA med anledning av det senaste rättsliga utslaget rörande Mor Gabriel-klostret i Turkiet och kräver att EU stoppar sitt bistånd till landet.
Reconciled by Mor Gabriel
The struggle between the Government and the High Judiciary has frightened everybody. This won't be so anymore; they have reached an agreement now. Established in AD 397 in the district of Midyat there is the Mor Gabriel Monastery (Deyrulumur) of the Syriacs -- the calmest and the most oppressed people of the Middle East. The Government and the High Judiciary have decided to get together to "Turkify" the lands which have belonged to Mor Gabriel for centuries.
Svar på interpellation 2010/11:173 om frizon för kristna i Irak
"Jag träffade som sagt Khalis Lesuc förra veckan. Han sade så här: De farligaste i dag i Irak är inte extremislamisterna. De farligaste i dag i Irak är de andra politiska partierna, som struntar i de kristnas rättigheter. Man ser inte att det finns ett stöd för de kristnas rättigheter från andra politiska grupperingar i landet."
European Parliamentarian to ADO Delegation
On Tuesday, February 8, 2011, European Parliamentarian Mario Mauro of the European People’s Party (EPP) group, met with a delegation of the Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO/Mtakasta) which included Mr. Ablahad Astepho (Director of ADO European Branch) and Mr. Georges Chachan (Head of the ADO Belgium).
Attacks on Iraq's Christians Threaten an Ancient Culture
In isolated villages and monasteries in northern Iraq, and in churches in Baghdad, Irbil and Mosul, it is still possible to hear Assyrian Christians talking and praying in ancient Aramaic, which is said to be the language of Christ. Fewer in number now, the Assyrians are the direct descendents of the empires of Assyria and Babylonia, their 2000 year history making them the original inhabitants of Mesopotamia. The Church of the East, currently presided over by Archbishop Gewargis Sliwa in Baghdad is the World’s oldest Christian church..
Non-Islamic faiths need help in Iraq
In late October, a Chaldean (Assyrian) Catholic church in Baghdad was attacked during Sunday worship services, killing 58 and wounding 78.
Declaration of the Second Meeting of the Heads and Leaders of our People’s Political Parties and Organizations
Continuing our joint work nationally, the Assyrian Universal Alliance hosted the second meeting of Parties and National Institutions of our Chaldean, Syriac Assyrian people in Ankawa/Erbil, on 4 December 2010.
Youth rise in Black March Movement
More than one thousand people took on Sydney’s CBD in coordinated protests yesterday afternoon against the attacks on Assyrian, Chaldean and Syriac Christians in Iraq.
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