
The three Assyrian martyrs are:
Dr. Abdul-Massih Noya, from the village of Tel Jazira
Ashur Abraham, from the village of Tel Jazira
Bassam Michael, from the village of Tel Shamiram
The Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO) condemns this heinous crime, and this immoral behavior that is void of human values, which confirms that it is founded on the hatred and the elimination of anyone who is different.
As we condemn the crimes of ISIS against all peoples in the region, we consider this act as a part of a series of crimes perpetrated by ISIS against our Assyrian people and Christians, in general, in the areas of their presence in Syria and Iraq. This is a systematic plan aimed at the extermination of Assyrians, as well as all Christians, and uprooting them from their historical lands and erasing all aspects of this civilization in the region. This is an extension of the scheme that began its implementation by al-Qaeda in Iraq since 2003. These crimes contain all aspects of a Genocide perpetrated against a people who are neither carrying arms nor fighting, but are being killed due to their ethnic identity and religious affiliation.
We call upon the international community, represented by the United Nations and the permanent members of the UN Security Council, to apply the necessary measures for the protection of these civilians and to provide safe zones to allow them to live in peace; As well as, to enforce the binding resolutions on all parties of the Syrian conflict to impose a ceasefire and embark on a political settlement on the basis of the Geneva Communique in accordance with the related UN Security Council Resolutions. This remains as the only viable solution to guarantee the removal of the reasons, which have led to making the country a fertile ground for the growth and expansion of terrorist organizations. Such a solution will enable Syrians to from a National Army capable of fighting and eradicating terrorism. The continuation of the regional and international countries who are intervening in Syrian affairs with their disappointing positions, as well as the delay in the implementation of the necessary steps to reach this solution, make them along with anyone impeding the political solution, a partner in shedding the blood of innocent Syrians.
Following the recent killing of the three Assyrian Martyrs, the lives of scores of the remaining abductees by the terrorist ISIS, including many women and children, are now threatened more than any other time. This calls for an urgent and immediate action from the governments and international humanitarian organizations, and all Assyrian institutions home and abroad, to use all possible means in order to secure the release of these innocent Assyrian Christians from imminent death. Such an action may give meaning to the international conventions and legislations guaranteeing human rights for individuals and groups, and gives a justification for the continued existence of these international institutions and bodies, especially after the Syrian tragedy had exposed and revealed the immorality of such inaction by these international bodies.
Our deepest condolences to the three Assyrian martyrs; And our hopes are for the immediate release of the remaining abductees.
Syria, 8-October-2015
Assyrian Democratic Organization