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Iran backar om syriskt våld
Iran backar om syriskt våld
13. september 2011
ADO Sverige
Irans president Ahmadinejad byter nu fot och uppmanar sin allierade Syrien att upphöra med våldet och lösa inbördeskonflikten med fredliga medel.
”Barnens dag” fläckades av blod
Fredagen skulle bli en "barnens dag" för att hedra alla minderåriga som har dödats i upproret i Syrien. Det blidkade knappast regimens säkerhetsstyrkor som mejade ner över 30 demonstranter.
FN:s Ban Ki-Moon sätter press på Syrien
Över 1.000 personer har fått sätta livet till sedan konflikten i Syren blossade upp i mitten på mars. Det konstaterandet gjorde FN:s generalsekreterare Ban Ki-Moon under fredagen, han kräver att våldsamheterna upphör genast.
Assyrian Democratic Organizations Statement on the Release of the Assyrian Detainees in Syria
Today, May 26, 2011, the Political Security branch of Syria, released the leaders and members of the Assyrian Democratic Organization, who were detained on Friday, May 20, 2011, following a raid by the Security Forces on the Assyrian Democratic Organization's headquarters in Qamishly. During the raid, the Security Forces had arrested everyone who was inside and confiscated everything inside the headquarters. This action was due to the participation of some of the Assyrian youth in the "Freedom Friday" protest in Qamishly.
Assyrian Democratic Organization Declaration on the Arrest of 13 Members
Following the peaceful protest that took place in Qamishly on Friday, May 20, 2011, where Assyrians (Syriacs-Chaldeans), Kurds, and Arabs participated together, over 20 fully armed members of the Syrian Security Forces, attacked the headquarters of the Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO). The Security Forces arrested 13 members of the ADO, four of which are top leaders. The arrests were made due to having some Assyrian youths participate in the protest, along with their partners in the homeland, calling for freedom and democracy. After they were arrested and taken to an undisclosed location, the Security Forces returned to the ADO headquarters in Al-Wusta neighborhood, where they damaged and confiscated many items.
Frihetens timme i diktatorns Damaskus
När en fara hotar sjung för den, säger ett syriskt ordspråk. En hård kamp för friheten utkämpas mot en av Mellanösterns mest förtryckande regimer. Den norska författaren och reportern Åsne Seierstad rapporterar inifrån den stängda Syrien.
Tilläts inte ta döda från gatan
Flamman har talat med Sait Yildiz, assyrier och vice ordförande i kommunfullmäktige i Södertälje (V). Den 15 mars började protestvågen i Syrien som en lokal protest i staden Daraa i i södra delen av landet.
Varför demonstrerar assyrierna i Syrien?
Assyriska ungdomar i staden Qamishly deltar aktiva i protesterna för frihet och demokrati i Syrien. ADO är en av aktörerna. Gäst i programmet är ADO ordföranden Gabriel Mushe från Syrien. Språk:Assyriska och Arabiska
Message by RA National Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan on the Memory of the Genocide Victims
Dear compatriots, on the 96th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide RA National Assembly pays its tribute to the memory of the millions of victims, who were martyred as a consequence of committed crimes against humanity in 1914-1923 by Turkey.
Assyrian, Greek, Armenian Genocide Anniversary Commemorated Publicly in Turkey
Just few years ago only a handful of people in Istanbul rallied publicly on April 24 to remember the genocide perpetrated during the Ottoman reign against Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks. This year's commemorations took place in five other cities, Ankara, Bodrum, Izmir, Bursa, and Diyarbakir. At Izmir, Assyrian victims were commemorated, too. These protests are highly courageous considering the machinery of denial still at work in official Turkey. An increasing number of Turkish intellectuals refuse to accept the denial policy of their government.
Protests in Qamishly, Syria on Good Friday
Thousands of Arabs, Kurds and Assyrians protested peacefully in Qamishly, Syria, on Good Friday, April 22, 2011. The majority of the demonstrators were from the youth. The protesters called for freedom, modification of the constitution, and ending the harassment of citizens by the services.
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